Can Quaker Parrots Eat Tomatoes? Be Careful!

Can Quaker Parrots Eat Tomatoes

Did you know that tomatoes are the most consumed fruit in the world? That’s right. Plump, bright-red, and highly nutritious, tomatoes are a diet staple for millions of people around the globe.

But, since they’re some of the most consumed fruit, can you share some with your feathered friend?

Can Quaker parrots eat tomatoes? The answer is yes. Tomatoes pack tons of nutritional benefits, and your Quaker parrot can enjoy many of these too. That said, it should only be served in moderation since tomatoes are very acidic and can cause an upset stomach or even ulcers to your parrot.

Stick around and keep reading to learn more about tomatoes, the role they can play for your Quaker parrot’s dietary health, and some safety reminders to always follow. Let’s begin. 

Can Quaker Parrots Eat Tomatoes? 

If this is your first rodeo in taking care of a Quaker parrot (or any pet bird in general), then you probably don’t know that pellets and birdseed aren’t the end-all-be-all for these little critters. 

While it’s true that pellets and birdseed are an important part of their diet, it’s not recommended to stick to only these, especially if you want them to live a long life.

What you need, instead, is variety. Along with those above, bird experts suggest that you should also add a healthy dose of fresh fruits and vegetables.

This is because of a few reasons, namely: 

  • Parrots can be picky eaters 
  • Pellets and birdseed can’t provide all their nutritional needs
  • Like us, parrots also appreciate eating different types of food

On that note, you’d be pleased to know that tomatoes are generally on the safe side of fruits that you can feed your Quaker parrot, but with a few important reminders. 

This is because, when fed carelessly, tomatoes can do more harm than good—as such, learning how to best prepare and feed it to your little pet is very critical. Furthermore, several other fruits and vegetables can also provide the same benefits as tomatoes do without potential harm. 

That said, if you’re set on giving tomatoes a go, here’s what you should know. 

Additional reading: Can Quaker Parrots Eat Watermelon?

How to Prepare Tomatoes for Quaker Parrots? 

If you’d like to feed tomatoes to your Quaker parrot, here are some important reminders that you need to take note of.

First and foremost, steer clear of green tomatoes. While you can enjoy them yourself, green tomatoes have higher toxins levels than ripe tomatoes, so they’re a no-go for your parrot. 

Furthermore, make sure you pick larger tomatoes instead of the usual cherry or plum tomatoes. These also tend to have higher toxin levels.

You also want to ensure that the tomato you’re feeding doesn’t come straight from the vine. Alternatively, if you have a garden with tomatoes, make sure you avoid all the vines and leaves. Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, which means their vines and leaves are highly toxic.

Next, sun-dried tomatoes over raw ones. While your Quaker parrot can enjoy a tiny bit of fresh ripe tomatoes, they still have high acid levels, and it can be easy to overfeed without you knowing. 

As such, picking dried tomatoes is recommended as these have lower acid levels, toxins, and have more nutrients.

After picking the right kind of tomatoes to feed, go the extra mile by cleaning them thoroughly beforehand. This helps remove any residue left behind by pesticides, dirt, and tiny critters. 

What are the Benefits of Feeding Tomatoes to Quaker Parrots? 

Here are the most well-known benefits your Quaker parrot can get from a good dose of tomatoes: 

  • Prevent Cancer – Dried tomatoes are famous for helping prevent many types of cancer. Thanks to the high lycopene content found in tomatoes, which is proven beneficial for the body. Lycopene is also very heart-healthy and plays a role in boosting your pet parrot’s cardiovascular health by promoting good blood circulation. 
  • Boosts Heart Health – Dried tomatoes can protect your parrot’s body from inflammation and other types of oxidative stress. Additionally, they also significantly impact blood vessels and even decrease the likelihood of any blood clotting. 
  • Vitamins and Minerals – Last but not least is the vitamins and minerals present in this juicy fruit. One such vitamin is nature’s powerhouse vitamin itself: vitamin C. This vitamin plays an essential role in collagen, carnitine synthesis, metabolism, overall eye health improvement, and acting as a boost to the immune system. 

There’s also potassium, which helps control blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Besides that, vitamin K1 is also there to give your bird’s bones a boost in strength, while folate helps cells function better and tissue grows more. 

Additional reading: Can Quaker Parrots Eat Pineapples?

How Many Tomatoes can Your Quaker Parrot Eat? 

As mentioned above, fruits like tomatoes can only be enjoyed in limited amounts for pet birds, as too much can do more harm than good.

Because of this, we recommend following the so-called 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of your pet’s diet should consist of the usual pellets and birdseed, while the remaining 20% should be a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, usually as a treat.

As for tomatoes, it’s recommended that you only feed your Quaker parrot with a few sun-dried slices a couple of times a month. Raw tomatoes should be very limited, while you can feed more sun-dried ones.

In general, however, opt for a few slices at least twice a month. 

Are tomatoes safe for Quaker parrots? Of course. Tomatoes are generally safe for parrot species. However, we recommend sun-dried tomatoes, and only for a few slices twice a month. 

Can Quaker parrots eat tomato ketchup? Yes. But again, make sure you feed only a tiny amount. Mix it with other types of food as well. 

Can Quaker parrots eat tomato leaves? Unfortunately, no. Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, and plants in this category have toxic leaves for pet birds.


When talking about fresh fruits to feed our parrots, tomatoes are bound to come at some point, as they are known for being cheap, delicious, and healthy.

Yet, they play a unique role for pet birds, as they can only be fed in small amounts to remain healthy. So keep this in mind the next time you serve a slice to your pet. Otherwise, happy bird-keeping! 

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